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為 支 援 一 些 因 工 作 或 其 他 原 因 而 暫 時 未 能 照 顧 子 女 的 父 母 , 社 會 福 利 署 資 助 非 政 府 機 構 提 供 多 元 化 的 幼 兒 照 顧 服 務 , 以 配 合 家 長 及 幼 兒 的 不 同 需 要 。
服 務 時 間 :為 星 期 一 至 五 8:00am-6:00pm ,
星 期 六 8:00am-1:00pm 。
Occasional Child Care Service
To assist parents who cannot take care of their young children because of work or other reasons, the Social Welfare Department subsidises non-governmental organisations to provide a variety of child care services, to meet the different needs of the parents and their young children.
Provide occasional child care assistance on full-day, half-day or two-hour sessional basis at some CCCs and KG-cum-CCCs for parents or carers with sudden engagements or various commitments.
Operation Hours of Occasional Child Care Services is from 8:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. (Monday to Friday) and from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00p.m. on Saturday.
Fee for Occasional Child Care Services (Basic fee level is a two-hour session):
- $70.4 for a full-day session(with meals)
- $32 for a half-day session
- $16 for a two-hour session
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